This series will explore our understanding of AI literacy and the impacts of AI on media education by discussing the benefits and challenges brought on by AI’s growing presence in the classroom.
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What are the impacts of AI in education and media literacy? Should we use AI in the classroom? What does it mean to be AI-literate?
This new AI webinar series from the Media Education Lab explores the potential range of affordances and challenges associated with AI and its implementation as a tool for media education. In particular, the webinars will discuss the use of AI to enhance or hinder the educational experience, the impact of AI on teaching and learning, and the implications of AI-driven technologies such as search engines, chats, images, and videos. The discussion will delve into the ethical implications of AI in media education, including issues of privacy, data security, and copyrights. As part of each session, the webinar series will provide practical advice for educators on how we can best utilize AI in the classroom.
Disclosure: This description was edited from a result on’s AI-chat
Structure: Webinars will last 1 hour with the standard structure as follows:
- A 3-5 minute introduction to speaker by a member of our team (who will also be available to facilitate the remainder of the meeting so the speaker may focus on presenting or the discussion)
- 20-30 minutes for speaker to present on the topic
- 20 minutes for participants to join breakout rooms to delve into guiding questions and/or specific aspects of the topic
- 10-20 minutes for everyone to come back to the main room to share their thoughts, ask questions, and wrap up the session
Speakers and dates:
Frank Romanelli - ChatGPT helpful or harmful teaching rhetoric? April 11th 4PM EST
Michelle Ciccone - Can media literacy help us see through the AI hype? April 17th 12PM EST
Pamela Morris & Scott Moss - AI literacy May 4th 4PM EST
Catherine Reznicek & Dana Thompson - Teaching prompt engineering classroom May 15th 12PM EST
Iglika Ivanova - Visual literacy creativity and authorship June 8th 1PM EST
Nimmi Rangaswamy - AI research: An anthropological lens June 20th 12PM EST
W. Ian O'Byrne - The Future of Education in the Age of AI: Trends, Issues and Solutions July 6th 12PM
Maha Bali - Critical AI Literacy July 18th 12PM EST
Joe Delfino - AI 101: Introducing students to generative AI Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 1PM EST
Brittany Aubin - AI in the K-12 Classroom Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
For more information or if you wish to present in this series, please contact:
Jocelyn Young, Webinar Series Manager |
Devina Sarwatay, Webinar Series Manager |