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MediaEd Club

MediaEd Club

Your favorite community to discuss thought-provoking media!

It was at the 2018 Summer Institute in Digital Literacy that this seed of an idea was sown when we decided to have a monthly meeting to discuss compelling books, podcasts, videos or any media related to our interests.

Samantha Stanley and Michael Stoepel got together as the first coordinators of the Media Club in 2018 and continued to lead this initiative brilliantly for four years! Later, they were joined by Devina Sarwatay who live tweeted the Media Club meetings so that people who could not join were able to follow the conversation on Twitter.

Samantha and Michael invited hosts every month to discuss their favorite media with members and eventually helped create a community that has since learned and grown together. We have discussed books, videos, and podcasts, shared teaching resources and ideas, workshopped new technology and media artifacts together, and shared our aspirations and anxieties about media, technology, and media education in this community.

After a short break, Media Club is back with new coordinators - Jocelyn Young and Devina Sarwatay - who hope to continue with this vibrant community and its vital communication.

We hope to continue engaging with our Media Club community and invite hosts for future meetings and discuss a cool book, podcast, video or any media related to our interests. Please get in touch:

Jocelyn Young, Webinar Series Manager |

Devina Sarwatay, Webinar Series Manager  |

Watch this space for Media Club announcements!