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Courageous Conversations Curriculum

Lesson plans, videos, readings, listening and creative activities help build media literacy and active listening skills for teen and adult learners 

Bring media literacy and active listening to middle school, high school, college and adult learners

With support from talented educators and experts who participated in the program, we’re proud to bring you the Courageous Conversations Curriculum. This book contains a collection of materials to help you bring media literacy and active listening into your middle school, high school or college classroom. You can use these activities in the workplace, faith community, or organization. Find common ground to prevent rising violence and extremism using the power of dialogue and discussion about media, technology, and society!


Access the Curriculum Online


Or download a PDF copy of the complete set of materials

The success of the Courageous Conversations program reaffirmed our faith in people’s desire to find common ground and prevent violence through active listening, media literacy, small acts of kindness and compassion, and community engagement. Courageous Conversations can be a powerful method of teaching and learning!