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Stay Curious, Not Furious

On February 28, the Media Education Lab at the University of Rhode Island will launch an exciting new media literacy initiative, Courageous RI. Funded by a $700,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security, the effort includes three distinct phases that will foster community conversation, provide training and education, and engage youth, helping participants to ask the right questions and empowering them to be more informed. Learn more about the program in this Boston Globe news story by Alexa Gagosz. 


DATE: February 28, 2023

TIME: 3 - 4 PM EST

LOCATION: Rhode Island State House Library


Learn more about the program from Courageous RI's Director of Community Engagement Pam Steager and members of the Courageous RI Advisory Committee, with remarks from Secretary of State Gregg Amore, Renee Hobbs of the Media Education Lab at the University of Rhode Island, State Senator Hanna Gallo and State Representative Brian Newberry. Also attending is Lent Lenci, author of Learning to Depolarize. 

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​The Courageous Journey

Courageous RI is a three-part initiative that helps people to ask the right questions and empowers them with the practical tools and support they need to be more informed.

  • Courageous Conversations: Hear from national experts and connect with fellow Rhode Islanders in a series of more than a dozen open, engaging, and respectful community sessions.

  • Courageous Questions: K-12 and university educators and local and state law enforcement officials access tools, resources, and curriculum to advance media literacy, identify harmful messages, and prevent extremism.

  • Courageous Creativity: High school and college students participate in a youth multimedia content and receive prizes for creating campaigns that inspire Rhode Islanders to “stay curious, not furious” when it comes to the media we encounter in daily life.

Thinking critically about what we hear, read, and see is important for Rhode Islanders of every background, across the political spectrum. It is an ongoing process of listening, learning, and reflecting that has the power to stop hate in our communities.