Read here about our full webinar series on Inequalities and Media Education
In this fourth webinar, we will explore the concepts of digital divides from both U.S. domestic and global digital divides. Susan Wiesinger and Ralph Beliveau discuss their new book, Digital Literacy: A Primer on Media, Identity, and the Evolution of Technology 2 nd Ed. This book, which is directed to young undergraduate students, seeks to inspire an attitude of inquiry toward media experiences. Central to such inquiry would be considerations of equal and unequal conditions as they proliferate across American culture, and then engage with global cultures. This discussion seeks to engage with the media literacy community to consider what can be done to reduce such inequalities while also recognizing and celebrating cultural differences. Breakout discussions will allow for closer attention to the way participants have experienced these divides locally.
Questions might include: what should the role of government be in reducing inequality? How are freedoms connected to access and education being effected by authoritarian tendencies?
And what can be done to encourage better and more equal experiences in the digital sphere?
About the Book:
DAY: Thursday, December 21st, 2023
LOCATION: Register here for the webinar series.
Featured Presenters
Susan Wiesinger is Professor of Journalism and Public Relations at California State University, Chico. She holds a Ph.D. from Purdue University. She is the third generation in a newspaper family and worked for newspapers in New Mexico, Texas, Oregon, Montana, Nevada and Indiana. Her academic research focuses on media; application and social impact of emerging technologies; corporate media ownership; and race, diversity and gender representations in the media. Her previous co-authored book Media Smackdown: Deconstructing the News and the Future of
Journalism (2013).
Ralph Beliveau is a Professor in The Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication at The University of Oklahoma, and affiliate faculty in Film and Media Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University. His other work includes Screening #MeToo: Rape Culture in Hollywood (2022) co-edited with Lisa Funnell, Gramsci and Media Literacy: Critically Thinking about TV and the Movies (2021) co-written with Erika Engstrom, and International Horror Film Directors: Global Fear (2017), co-edited with Danny Shipka.
The ‘Inequalities and Media Education’ (IME) webinar series explores the relationship between media and inequalities as well as justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the (digital) media literacy and education space. The webinar series aims to ask critical questions and delve deeper into current research conducted globally to understand how scholars have studied and aimed at reducing inequalities along with ramifications for media literacy and education.
We hope to continue engaging with our community and invite hosts for future meetings and discuss a cool book, podcast, video or any media related to our interests on inequalities. Please get in touch:
Jocelyn Young, Webinar Series Manager |
Devina Sarwatay, Webinar Series Manager |